segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009

Films in UK

In UK, the movie Pride and prejudice is a famous film in UK, other movie is Pirates of the caribbean and the most famous is Harry Potter's films. The famous film 007 was recorded in England. Charles Chaplin the famous actor was British, the film director Alfred Hitchcock was a genius movie director and "Wallace and Gromit" was made by clay was made in UK.

Films in Brazil

Brazil don't have cool movies. All brazilian's movies have bad words, but somes movies are cool likes "Se eu fosse você". Other films are idiot likes "Casseta e planeta". Some directors are famous likes Fernando Meirelles. Some actors are scary likes Zè do Caixão, others are funny, Miguel Falabela, Lazaro Ramos. A good actress was Dercy Goncalves.

Interesting facts

Did you know that in the years 1927 the brothers Warner put lines in the movies?
Yes, in 1927 the silent film ended and the cinema with sound began.

007 was already been interpret by 6 actors.

In 1980 Brazil mades 103 movies.


What's your favourite film?
My favourite film is "Transformers"
Wich was the last film you saw?
The last film i saw was "Transformers 2"
Have you ever saw the film "The wanted"?
Yes, I've saw.

What's your favourite film?
My favourite film is "Cheaper by dozen"
Wich was the last film you saw?
The last film I saw was "Micheal Jackson this is it"
Have you ever saw "Spider man 3"?
Yes, I've saw.

What's your favourite film?
My favourite film is "Harry Potter and the order of phoenix"
Wich was the last film you saw?
The last film I saw was "Twilight"
Have you ever saw "Mr.bean"
No, I haven't.

What's your favourite film?
My favourite film is "Borat"
Wich was the last film you saw?
The last film I saw was "Borat"
Have you ever saw "Elekta""
Yes, I've had

What's your favourite film?
My favourite film is "fryday 13"
Wich was the last film you saw?
The last film I saw was "fryday 13"
Have you ever saw "50 first dates"
No, I haven't

About us

Filadelfo Moreira Almeida Junior
i'm 12
my favourites films are "star wars" films

Lucas Toshio Uenish
i'm 12
my favourite film is "white chicks"

Jonathan Kenji Kinoshita
i'm 12
my favourite film is "the mummy"